Struggle Path Not Our Choice - Rather Enforced

Com. N. Subramanian
Ex- Dy. General Secretary, AIPEU Group C
& Postmaster Grade-II, Tirupur Cotton Market Grade-II PO
Tirupur (Tamilnadu) – 641 604
Change is inevitable everywhere. We are all creatures of habit and we like to be comfortable in our own environment. We become settled in our own ways. Rather than go with the flow of change, we strive to maintain the status quo we are accustomed to. When change is abrupt and overwhelming, we have to react to that impact. This can become very dramatic with great dissension among everyone involved. When we allow change to flow naturally, we continue to remain somewhat resilient, adapting and keeping an open mind. When situations do arise, to maintain some level of diplomacy we will always be the example for others to follow. We must maintain a positive radiance for the Good of all if Change is good.
From birth human do not like change. We are comfortable in the womb and cry once out. We are comfortable in our mothers’ arms and cry when put down. We are comfortable in our parents’ bed and cry when put in our own bed. We are comfortable at home and cry when we have to start school. We stay in an environment even though we know we will be better somewhere else because we feel comfortable there. We continue where we are because we are uncomfortable trying to learn a new one. Our entire existence is built on a resistance to change as many changes create unknown circumstances and for many the unknown is frightening. Because everyone is comfortable with the present situation no one likes moving on to something where they don't know what to expect or what will happen.
Breaking all the theories and concepts, we can dare to say that in India Post, because of our abundant endurance and adaptability, technology induction in a great pace become possible .
IT modernization project was undertaken by the Department of Posts as a part of the 11th five year plan continuing to next level in the current 12th five year plan. It is designed to create a strong IT infrastructure and applications for all services provided by the DoP viz postal, retail, banking and insurance. The India Post 2012 Project aims at transforming the Department of Posts into a “Technology Enabled, Self Reliant Market Leader” by introducing IT services. It is directed towards achieving increased market shares and revenues, new products and services, improved service delivery, motivated workforce and rural development.
Employees stand to benefit from Reduction of manual work which will increase productivity. New opportunities to learn and enhance their skill set. Opportunity to provide IT Enabled services to customers which will reduce customer dissatisfaction. It provide an opportunity to work in an innovation based environment and be a part of a growing and vibrant organization. Understanding all the above facts, even though the work force is giving its best efforts, hasty and impromptu bureaucrats of all levels make changes futile. The cry of the work force is unheard in time, trial and error implementation of schemes; untested softwares , outdated hardwares show the incompetency of the planners and need of their revamp .
The extensive IT network connecting around 1,55,000 post offices will be an asset for the central and state governments. It will help in improving the quality of services in remote areas and facilitating payment of government schemes to the citizens
Our trade union recognise the need to keep their affiliated organisations and members to update with new trends and developments in technology, and at the moment the focus is on information and communication technology. It is committed to protect their interests and improve their working conditions, among other goals. To bargain collectively, protect workers from exploitative and abusive conditions at work are the key roles of unions.
The changes in the department of posts based on the trend of new technology and current social environment are fully acceptable to the workers to the extent of its relevancy and usefulness. The unscientific approach in its implementation by the bureaucrats without consulting the main stakeholders viz the employees is a great concern to the staff especially to the Postal assistants placed in the last mile connectivity. The Postal assistants at counters are the real face of the department in the eyes of the public. Their anger and dissatisfaction arise out of the incompetent technology providers and hasty management focused sharply on the poor staff at counters.
The poor network, lack of planning, inept softwares, irresponsible vendors, torturous management, ancient computer peripherals apart from all anti labour policies are the present day environment .
At this juncture, it is needless to illustrate that Struggle path is not our choice - rather enforced. Do it be heard.
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