Sunday, July 31, 2011
Dearness Allowance from July 2011 will be enhanced from 51% to 58%
Back Pain - Health Tips

Pain as a warning signal or not?
If you, accidentally, cut your finger with a knife, you experience pain. This pain signal is triggered in the cells of the tissue in your finger that are being damaged by the sharp knife. Although unpleasant, the pain is actually a useful response from your body since it alerts you that your finger is damaged and you need to take action to prevent further damage and/or ensure recovery from the damage. This is called acute pain. Similarly, when you sprain a muscle in your back, you will feel a sudden jolt of pain. Again this pain signal warns you need to take action in order to recover or prevent further damage.
However, persistent back pain is very different from the above examples. Persistent pain no longer acts as a warning signal and it does not refer to any tissue damage. The warning system goes into overdrive and sends out repeated pain signals, which are not needed or are out of proportion. The pain signals in persistent pain, also called chronic pain, no longer serve a useful purpose. But nevertheless you experience pain and it is virtually impossible to distinguish the useful pain signals from the disruptive pain signals. However knowing that persistent pain is often not a warning signal, means that you can respond differently to the pain. While you may think that rest is best when experiencing pain, for persistent back pain it is actually much better to stay active. Knowing that your pain does not mean that any structures in your back have been seriously damaged can take away some of the concerns you may have about using your back while in pain.
Definition of pain
Pain is not only a physical response; your mind also plays an important role in how you perceive pain. One of the world's leading organisations in the area of pain research (the International Association for the Study of Pain, IASP) has defined pain as: ‘An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage’. In this definition you can see that pain is not only a signal that your body sends out in response to a certain trigger (a sensory experience) but also an emotional experience. In other words, how your mind responds to pain is an important aspect of how you perceive pain.
You may have heard of people overcoming great pain when their mind was focused on something else. This is a great example of how the mind or your emotions can influence your pain experience. Secondly the definition of the IASP also shows that pain could be, but is not necessarily associated with tissue damage. This refers to the difference, explained above, between acute pain and persistent or chronic pain.
Why self help?
The only person that lives with your back pain is yourself. Healthcare professionals and other practitioners can be very helpful in providing treatments and giving information and tips, but these people cannot be at your side 24 hours a day. This is where self-help techniques can play a big role. Many healthcare professionals, practitioners, or products, can help you with applying self help techniques. The list below contains some techniques that you may want to try.
Staying active
The best way of coping with back pain and preventing the pain from getting worse is to stay active. This may sound strange as staying active and moving around when you have back pain may be difficult. However, staying active or perhaps even increasing your levels of activity, prevents your body from de-conditioning. There is no need to start training for a marathon to achieve this, small changes in your daily activities will get you the benefits. Walk to the shops instead of taking the car, go for a swim in the local pool, take a nice long walk in the park, do some stretches when you wake up in the morning. All these simple measures can make a difference to your activity pattern and positively influence your back pain.
Pacing yourself
Back pain often comes and goes; you will have good and bad days. When you are having a good day (or a ‘least bad’ day) you may feel like doing a lot of things, from cleaning the house to doing the weekly shopping, from spending some more time at work to tidying up the garden. You may feel pressured to get all this work done before your pain increases. There is a chance you will over-do it and this may result in your having to take time off to recover from your increased back pain.
To avoid this, you may better off trying to pace yourself. Try to spread your workload over a longer period of time. The chances are that by doing so you can lengthen the time that you can control your pain and have fewer flare-ups.
Prioritising and planning
Be clear about things that you have to do and try to plan them in advance. However, at the same time, allow for some flexibility because other things can get in the way. If you are clear about your priorities for the day, for the week or for the next time period, you will feel much more relaxed once you have achieved them. Planning also links in with pacing; plan your day carefully and try to avoid overdoing it and paying the price.
Set realistic goals
Be realistic about what you can achieve and set yourself a goal. You can set goals for the day, for the week or for a longer period of time. If you are not realistic about what you can achieve, you will get frustrated about not achieving your goals. You may find that when your back pain changes, you have to re-set your goals.
Relaxation techniques
Find ways of relaxing. This may be special relaxation exercises or just finding an activity that you enjoy and allows you to relax, such as reading a book, listening to music, meeting friends, meditation, walking, etc. Everyone needs to unwind once in a while and do not let back pain get in the way of your relaxing moments.
Although some people with back pain may fear exercise, exercise is actually an important element of managing back pain. Regular exercise can decrease pain and discomfort, strengthen muscles and make you feel good. Find some exercises that you enjoy and that you feel are beneficial to you. Your health provider or exercise professional may be able to advise you on what exercise you can try. Remember that you may feel some discomfort after you have been exercising muscles that are unfit or under-used. This should disappear within a day or two and you should feel less discomfort once your body gets used to the exercises.
Pain diary
Back pain often comes and goes and you will have periods of fairly minimum pain and periods of flare-ups. If you maintain a pain diary in which you keep a record of when you experience pain and what you had been doing, you may start to see a pattern. This will allow you to identify activities or circumstances that result in increased pain and you can then find other ways of doing these activities to avoid the pain increases.
Other resources
In addition to the above tips and techniques, you may want to contact your local self-help group, consult with a healthcare professional, or try one of the many products and services available to people with back pain.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
The Latest developments on some strike charters are finished hereunder for the consumption of our members.
● Orders on officiating pay in higher posts – ordered are placed for signing will be released within two days.
● Orders to recommend grant and relief up to 3 days EL to Head Postmasters – will be released tomorrow or day after tomorrow.
● Order to bring staff on Sundays & holidays – orders issued last week itself. Copy could not be obtained today. Will be exhibited after its receipt.
● Revision of Recruitment Rules to Group D – Draft has been approved and will be notified by amendments to recruitment rules.
● Two more chances to appear LGO exam for those exhausted six chances – instead of two more chances, the file has been placed for enhancement of six chances to eight chances. Since the explained the urgency for its implementation in the notified LGO exam, it is assured to released the orders before the end of this month.
● It is informed that the revision of postman recruitment Rules for Postmen will be finalized by considering the number of candidates passed in the proposed postmen examination.
● Orders for dropping the confirmation examination –The draft on orders has been placed for approval.
● Revised Recruitment Rules for Postal Assistants – As per the RR 2002, there are 49 Categories eligible to appear the exam and most of the categories are not in existence. Now the existence of the category is being processed and the recruitment rules will be finalized.
(i) All the outsider candidates' secured 60% marks will be allowed to appear the PA recruitment examination.
(ii) Unfilled LGO vacancies will be thrown open to GDS without any mark condition.
● Revised Recruitment Rules for HSG I – The Staff Selection Commission have raised some queries which have been replied. It is expected that the HSG I Recruitment Rules will be returned from SSC within a week or fortnight, 100% HSG I posts for general line has been already incorporated in the revised recruitment rules.
● Postmaster's cadre Grade III will be filled up regularly only after the approval of HSG-I Recruitment Rules since the seniority to the existing HSG-I Officials on adhoc basis shall be given seniority in the newly formed cadre.
● Appearing PH candidates for IPO exam – now the department has approved for allotment of vacancies for PH candidates in IPO exam and the file will be sent to social welfare Department for information and formal approval.
● MACP fixation on acquiring TBOP/BCR – orders have been issued.
● Cadre Restructuring Committee – we could not meet the concerned Director (SR) informed that it will be convened shortly.
● Separate cadre for PO & RMS Accountants, will be sorted out in the committee.
● We requested to expedite the release of tenure posting conditions imposed on the single handed SPMs.
● Cash handling point to GDS – Proposal for formation of a committee has been initiated to review and implement the decision.
● Protection of TRCA – File has been submitted to Finance (IFW)
● Grant of Special Allowance to all irrespective of MACP I, II, or III – the IFW sought linking of old files and files have been submitted for approval.
● Treasury Allowance – File has been submitted to IFW.
● Director (SR) told that he is processing the case of allotment of staff quarter with reference to old orders related to post attached quarters and will finalise the shortly.
In respect of other issues, we could not take follow up action today and will process further after returning from Lucknow Federal Executive (i.e.) on 28.07.2011.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Re: ‘Samvardhan’- Pension Scheme ( Defined Contribution) for the agents of the Life Insurance Corporation of India.
This scheme is only available to LIC of India’s agent and not for general public. Reason to publish this article is to just make you aware, how much LIC of India cares about its Policyholders, employess and agents.
It has been decided by the Competent Authority to start a Group Superannuation Cash Accumulation Scheme- ‘Samvardhan’, for the Agents of the Corporation. This scheme is being started with a view to assist the agents in creating a sizeable corpus during their productive year which can be used to provide the pension in a structured way, after the accumulation period.
Main features of the scheme are as under :
1. All the active agents having annual commission of Rs. 1,00,000 along with agency tenure of minimum 1 year can join the scheme. Membership of the scheme is voluntary.2. Minimum age at entry ( in years) 18 completed3. Maximum entry age ( in years) 65 completed
1. Minimum contribution by the Agent Rs. 500/- per month and in multiples of Rs. 500/- thereafter
2. Minimum accumulation period upto age 60 years
3. Maximum accumulation period upto age 75 years
4. Minimum deferment period- 10 years
Benefits under the Scheme:
(a) Benefits payable after the accumulation period: A pension will be payable to the member agent on vesting which will be dependent on the age on vesting, accumulation of the contribution in the member’s account and the annuity rates at the time of vesting.A maximum of 25% of the accumulated corpus can be commuted under the scheme. The balance corpus will be utilized to purchase immediate annuity in respect of the member agent. In case the corpus is not sufficient to purchase a minimum pension applicable at that time, the accumulated amount will be paid to the member.
(b) Benefits payable on the death of the member:On the unfortunate death of the member, following amount is payable:(i) The amount payable to nominee will be the accumulated value of member’s contributionor(ii) Pension for the spouse: The accumulated value of member’s contribution will be utilized to purchase immediate annuity as per the choice of nominee certified by the Master Policy holder, at the thenprevailing annuity rates provided the corpus is sufficient to purchase a minimum pension applicable at that time.
(c) Benefits payable on withdrawal of individual member:Normally early withdrawal from the scheme will not be permitted.However, under conditions viz. termination of agency, change of profession,insufficient income, early withdrawal can be permitted by the Branch Incharge.Benefits payable under early withdrawal will be as under:
(i) The accumulated value of members’ contribution will be utilized topurchase annuity from the date of withdrawal provided the corpus issufficient to purchase a minimum pension applicable at that time.Alternatively, accumulated corpus can be refunded to the memberagent on his request subject to the deduction of the exit chargesdecided by the Corporation on the date of exit.
(ii) The accumulated amount in the member’s account will becompulsorily refunded to the member if the corpus is not sufficient topurchase a minimum pension applicable at that time. The amountwill be refunded after deduction of exit charges that will be decidedby the Corporation on the date of exit.Other Conditions
1. The Scheme will run as a defined contribution under GroupSuperannuation Cash Accumulation Scheme of LIC of India.
2. Separate Master Policy will be issued for each Branch by the P&GS Unitunder the jurisdiction of the branch.
3. The Chief/Sr/Branch Manager of the concerned branch of LIC will be theMaster Policy Holder under the scheme.
4. Branch will provide a list of agents who have opted for the scheme withAgency Code, Name, Date of birth and contribution amount along with onecheque payable at par/DD of the total amount every month, to theconcerned P&GS unit.
5. Agency code will be used as employee no. and lic id will be issued to eachagent by the concerned P&GS unit.
6. Individual member-wise account will be maintained by P&GS Unit.
7. The contribution will earn interest only from the date on whichcontributions are received by P&GS unit along with the data.
8. Interest will be credited at the end of each financial year as applicable toCash accumulation Scheme at the rate decided by LIC of India from time totime.
9. The Pension/ claim will be paid by the P&GS unit on receipt of the papersduly signed by the Master Policy Holder and member/ beneficiary.
10. The scheme is an unapproved scheme hence no tax benefits will be availableunder the scheme.Instructions regarding administration of the scheme will be issued separately by LIC of India.
Retirement age, in no circumstances, should be enhanced to 62 year. Rather it should be lowered. Let the deadwoods be weeded out. Babudom has become a deep rooted practice in this country. The Babus like politicians want power and authority till death. However, the politicians have to pass the litmus test every 5 years and come good in that. No such requirement is prescribed for Babus. Those Babus who fail to get absorbed into political spectrum desires be to be Chairman / Members / Advisors of various Boards, Tribunals, and Committee under the control of government to satisfy their desire for unbridled authority. To meet their post retirement ambitions, they create such institution during their service career with prime focus on themselves. Such is their unsatisfied desire for power, authority and freebies. The amount of expenditure to sustain top echelon, i.e. Joint Secretary and above in the Government of India itself would be mind boggling.
Most of them have endless governmental resources at their disposal such as band of vehicles, army of officials to take care of their “BEGAR”. The government vehicle runs to drop and pick their kith and kin whole day and night. Someone should tell them that they survive on TAX PAYERS hard earned money. Millions of Dollars are spent of their maintenance everyday in this country.Most of them have failed to uphold Rule of Law. They are so stratified on the basis of caste, religion, region, language that they failed to uphold Equal Protection of Law to the people of this country in last around 60 years of democratic functioning. They are more faithful to their henchman rather to the Constitution of this country. So corrupt they are morally that they accept bribe even under the Sign displaying that “Taking Bribe is Criminal offence”. They are so pliant and spineless and can stoop to any extent for getting a small thing like a posting. They are instrumental in the spread of lawlessness and have failed to uphold Rule of Law in more than two-third states of this country. This babudom is not a steel frame rather a spider web which is unable to sustain the pressure even a drop of water. Have they ever been held accountable? One must ask at whose cost all these freebies are enjoyed by them and with what face they are pleading for extension. Due to this Babudom, Indian Babu is termed as worst even in Asia.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Revision of pension/family pension in respect of the pensioners who were in receipt of compulsory retirement pension and compassionate allowance under Rules 40 and 41 of CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare
Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi-110003
Dated the 22nd July, 2011
Sub : Revision of pension/family pension in respect of the pensioners who were in receipt of compulsory retirement pension and compassionate allowance under Rules 40 and 41 of CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972.
The undersigned is directed say that in accordance with para 4.2 of this Departments O.M. No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 1.9.2008, the revised pension of pre-2006 pensioners shall, in no case. be lower than fifty percent of the minimum of the pay in the pay band plus the grade pay corresponding to the pre-revised pay scale from which the pensioner had retired In the case of HAG+ and above scales, this will be fifty percent of the minimum of the revised pay scale.
2 . Doubts have been raised in regard to the applicability of the above provision in the case of revision of pension/family pension in respect of the pensioners who were in receipt of compulsory retirement pension and compassionate allowance under Rules 40 and 41 of CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972. The matter has been examined in the light of the instructions/orders issued after Fifth Central Pay Commission for revision of pension/family pension in such cases. It was clarified in this Department’s O.M No 45/86/97-P&PW(A) dated 25-3-2004 that the provisions of O.M. dated 17-12-1998 relating to stepping up of pension to 50% of the minimum of the revised scale of pay as on 1-1-96 of the post held by the pensioner at the time of retirement shall not be applicable in case of compulsory retirement pension and compassionate allowance.
3. It has now been decided that the benefit of para 4.2 of this Departments O.M. No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 1-9-2008 [as clarified vide O.M. No, 38/37/08-P&PW(A) (pt.l) dated 3-10-2008] will not be applicable in the case of revision of pension/family pension in respect of the pensioners who were in receipt of compulsory retirement pension and compassionate allowance under Rules 40 and 41 of CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972.
4. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) vide their U.O. No. 152/EV/2011 dated 30.6.2011.
5 In so far as persons belonging to the Indian Audit & Accounts Departments, these orders issue after consultation with the Comptroller 8 Auditor General of India.
6. Hindi version will follow.
(Tripti P. Ghosh)
A National convention of Central and State Govt. employees, School, College & University teachers and Pensioners was held at New Delhi today. The following organizations were represented through the delegates at the convention.
1. All India State Government Employees Federation.{ AISGEF}
2. Confederation of Central Govt. Employees and Workers.{CONFDN)
3. All India Railwaymen Federation.{AIRF}
4. All India Federation of University & College Teachers Organisation.{AIFUCTO}
5. BSNL Employees Union {BSNLEU}
6. School Teachers Federation of India. {STFI}
7. Bharat Central Pensioners Confederation {BCPC}
The declaration was presented to the house by Com. Sukomal Sen, Sr. Vice President, AISGEF and supported by Com. S.K.Vyas, President, Confederation of CGE & Workers. The proceedings of the convention was controlled by a presidium consisting of Coms. R.G.Karmik (AISGEF),Com. S.K.Vyas (Confederation), Com. N.Narayana (STFI), Com. P.R.Menon (AIRF). Com. Sardara Singh (AIDEF), Com. V.A.N.Namboodiri (BSNLEU). Com. Basudev Acharya, MP, Com. Tapan Sen, MP and General Secretary, Centre of Indian Trade Unions, Com. M.K. Pandhe, Sr. Vice President, CITU, Com. Bhatnagar for All India Insurance Employees Association, Com. Pradeep Biswas of Bank Employees Federation of India addressed the convention besides the leaders of the participating Organisations. More than 700 delegates representating various organizations participated in the convention. The declaration adopted unanimously is enclosed. The convention has called upon the Central Government and State Governments employees and the teaching community to participate in a series of programmes culminating in a strike to compel the Government to withdraw the Pension Fund Regulation and Development Authority Bill. A memorandum will be submitted to the Prime Minister signed by a million people detailing the reasons as to why the Bill must be withdrawn. A huge rally is also planned to be held before the Parliament and the respective Raj Bhawans preceeded by State Conventions between Ist August, 2011 and 6th September, 2011 when the Parliament is expected to be in session. The convention has set up a Steering Committee to spearhead the movement, consisting of the leaders of the participating organizations which will meet in the first week of August to decide upon the date of Strike.
Secretary General,
Dated: 22.07.2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Induction Training for Postmasters Grade-I at PTC, Mysore

Regional allotments of Postmaster Grade-I candidates

In pursuance to the orders contained in Directorate letter no.A-34012/03/2011-DE dated 30-06-2011 circulated vide CO letter no.RE/1-22/PM Gr-I/2010-11 dated 07-07-2011, the following Postal Assistants are approved for promotion to the Postmaster Grade-I (LSG) , in the pay scale of Rs.5200 – 20200 with grade pay of Rs.2800/- and allotted to the Regions / Divisions in Hyderabad City Region noted against each by the Competent Authority with immediate effect and until further orders:
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
SBI Loan For Pensioners and Family Pensioners…
A new scheme “SBI Loan to Affluent Pensioners” is formulated to match the requirements and higher repayment capacity of those with higher salaries and pensions The salient features of “SBI Loan to Affluent Pensioners” scheme are as under:-
(1) Eligibility:
(a) Pensioners :
(i) All Central, State Government pensioners and SBI Pensioners whose pension accounts are maintained by our branches.
(ii) Pensioners whose pensions are disbursed by Govt. Treasuries by cheques drawn in favour of our branches as per mandate of the pensioner are also eligible subject to condition that pensioner should not be more than 72 years of age
(b) Family Pensioners: Family pensioner, i.e. spouse authorized to receive pension after the death of the pensioner, subject to condition that family pensioner should not be more than 65 years of age.
(2) Loan Amount:
(a) Pensioners : Maximum of 12 months net pension with a ceiling of Rs.3.00 lac
(b) Family Pensioners : A maximum of 9 months net family pension with a ceiling of Rs.1.50 lacs In no case the EMI should be more than 25% of the net pension drawn by the family pensioner.
(3) Collateral Security :
(a) Pensioners : Third party guarantee (TPG) of the spouse eligible for family pension. In the absence of the spouse, TPG of any other family member or a third party worth the loan amount.
(b) Family Pensioners : Third party guarantee of a person who has been maintaining a satisfactorily conducted account with the bank, preferably of the son/daughter of the family pensioner.
(4) Repayment Period : In EMIs commencing from the pension payable one month after disbursal of loan. Installment is deducted at the time of payment of pension:
Age at the time of loan sanction
Repayment period
Age at the time of full repayment
Up to 70 years
36 months
73 years
70-72 years
24 months
74 years
(5) Pensioners will have to submit their PAN Number or Form 15H before availing loan under this scheme.
(6) Processing Fees : Nil
(7) Margin : Nil
Interest rates
(Base Rate 9.50 % w.e.f. 11.07.2011)
Type of Security
Rate of Interest
4.50% above Base Rate, currently 14.00% p.a.
Bank’s TDRs/STDRs
1.00% above the rate of interest payable on deposits
Govt. Securities/Public Sector Bonds/NSCs/ KVPs/RBI Relief Bonds, LIC Policy
4.25% above Base Rate , currently 13.75% p.a.
(In case interest is paid during the course period a rebate of 0.50% will be admissible, only during the moratorium period)
For more details contact your nearest SBI Branch.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
D.G. Posts No. 37-56/2008-SPB.II dated 15 July, 2011. (Addressed to CPMG UP Circle and copy to all recognized Service Unions/Federations)
I am directed to refer to yours suggestion that instructions similar to those already issued by the Circler may be issued at the level of the Directorate to the effect that the officials who are about to retire should not be given full fledged independent charge at least six months before their retirement in any single or double handed post office in order to frauds.
2. The proposal of the Circle has been examined by the Competent Authority. Reports were called for from the Postal Circles and examined. It has been observed from the reports of the Circles that number of frauds committed by officials who are due to retire in six months is very minimal.
3 In view of the above , it has been decided not to put the condition that the officials due to retire should not be given full fledged independent charge of Sub Postmaster (SPM) of single handed and double handed Post Offices at least six months before their retirement . However, the Divisional Superintendent should satisfy himself that the official has a clear service record with no past involvement of any kind in fraud cases etc. and that he is a person of probity and has the required competence to provide quality service. The integrity of the system should not be compromised under any condition.
No.PF-42/2011 Dated: 19th July, 2011
Ms Radhika Doraiswamy
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110116
Sub: Decentralization of PLI/RPLI.
Ref: Discussion held on 1.7.2011.
This is regarding the minutes of the meeting taken by CGM PLI with Postal Joint Council of Action comprising AIPAOEU, Gr-'C' & Gr-'D' (NFPE) and AIPAOA (FNPO) representing Circle Administrative Offices.
The meeting was held on 01/07/2011. There were two issues, (1) Stop decentralization of PLI & RPLI and ensure status quo (2) save DPLI office of Kolkata and ensure job security of staff of DPLI, Kolkata.
It is reported that Staff sides views for decentralization in respect of RPLI to the extent of acceptance of proposals, issuance of Premium Receipt Books & Policy documents and centralization of those items of work for PLI were misinterpreted in the minutes.
While, the minutes of the meeting held on 01/07/2011 was issued on 14/07/2011, a DO letter bearing no-25-1/2011-11 dated 06/07/2011 decentralizing the works of maturity claims upto Rs 5 Lakhs, sanctioning of Loans and Revival of policies to the divisions, have taken us all by surprise. Unfortunately, no information was given on that score in that meeting. Strangely enough no iota of information regarding the steps already taken through the gazette notification dated 28/04/2011 and corrigendum dated 25/05/2011 was given to the staff side. In the entire meeting the focal point of discussion of the staff side was for centralization of PLI proposal acceptance and issuance of policy documents works in COs/ROs. After sales Services were never declared as already decentralized in the said meeting, rather, it was reiterated by the CGM PLI that the after sales services for PLI/RPLI are being done by the COs/ROs.
With the strength of that order, we understand some Circle Heads are acting in a hectic manner and already ordered for closure of after sales services works in COs/ROs, and calculating the surplus number of staff in COs/ROs.
In view of the above, you are requested to arrange for holding a review meeting with both the unions and till such time the order circulated through DO letter bearing No-25-1/2011-11 dtd 06/07/2011 may be kept in abeyance.
With regards
Yours sincerely
( M.Krishnan)
Secretary General, NFPE
తపాలా విభాగం (డిపార్ట్మెంట్ ఆఫ్ పోస్ట్స్) కేంద్ర మంత్రి మండలి ఆమోదానికై 'ముసాయిదా పోస్టాఫీస్ బిల్లు-2011'ని పంపింది. స్పీడ్ పోస్ట్ ద్వారా పంపే యాభై గ్రాముల బరువు ఉన్న ఉత్తరాలకు పోస్టాఫీసు వసూలు చేసే చార్జీకి, అంతే బరువు ఉన్న లేఖల బట్వాడాకు కొరియర్ కంపెనీలు విధిగా రెట్టింపు వసూలు చేయాలని ఆ ముసాయిదా బిల్లు ప్రతిపాదించింది.
స్పీడ్ పోస్ట్ చార్జి ప్రస్తుతం రూ.25. ఈ దృష్ట్యా కొరియర్ కంపెనీలు యాభై గ్రాముల బరువు ఉన్న లేఖలను బట్వాడా చేయడానికి కనీస చార్జిగా రూ.50 వసూలు చేయవలసి వుంటుంది. ప్రైవేట్ సంస్థలపై ఇటువంటి నిబంధనలు విధించడం ప్రభుత్వ ఆధ్వర్యంలోని తపాలా విభాగానికి గొప్ప సహాయకారి అవుతుందని భావనతోనే ఆ ప్రతిపాదన చేశారు. పోస్టాఫీసు బట్వాడా కొరియర్ కంపెనీల బట్వాడా కంటే చౌకగా జరుగుతుంది కదా. కొరియర్ కంపెనీలపై ఈ ఆంక్షను పదిహేనేళ్ళ తరువాత ఎత్తివేయాలని ఆ ముసాయిదా బిల్లు పేర్కొంది.
కొరియర్ కంపెనీలపై కనీస చార్జీల నిబంధనను విధించడం హేతుబద్ధమేనా? ఎంత మాత్రం కాదు. తపాలా సేవల వ్యయాన్ని తగ్గించడమే ప్రభుత్వ లక్ష్యంగా ఉండాలి. మెట్రోపాలిటన్ నగరాలలో విద్యుత్ పంపిణీ వ్యవస్థను ప్రైవేటీకరించడం ద్వారా మౌలిక సదుపాయాల నిర్వహణా వ్యయాన్ని తగ్గించడానికి ప్రభుత్వం ప్రయత్నిస్తోంది. అదే విధానాన్ని తపాలా రంగంలో కూడా వర్తింప చేయాలి.
ఏమైనా అటువంటి నిబంధనలను అమలుపరచడం కష్టసాధ్యం. చిన్న కొరియర్ కంపెనీలు ఖాతాదారులకు రూ.50కి రసీదు ఇచ్చి వారి నుంచి రూ.30లే వసూలు చేయవచ్చు. ఇలా, చట్టాన్ని ఉల్లంఘించేందుకు ప్రజలకు ప్రభుత్వమే ప్రోత్సాహం సమకూర్చడమవుతుంది. పోస్టాఫీసుల చార్జీకి రెట్టింపు చార్జీని వసూలు చేయాలనే నిబంధన చిన్న చిన్న కొరియర్ కంపెనీల ప్రయోజనాలకు చాలా హాని కల్గిస్తుందనడంలో సందేహం లేదు. పెద్ద పెద్ద కొరియర్ కంపెనీలు ఇప్పటికే యాభై గ్రాముల బరువు ఉన్న లేఖ బట్వాడాకు రూ.40 నుంచి రూ.100 దాకా వసూలు చేస్తున్నాయి.
ప్రతిపాదిత చట్టం వాటినేమీ ప్రతికూలంగా ప్రభావితం చేయదు. చిన్న కొరియర్ కంపెనీలు ఇప్పుడు కనీస చార్జీగా రూ.25 నుంచి రూ.40 దాకా వసూలు చేస్తున్నాయి. ముసాయిదా బిల్లు ప్రతిపాదించిన ఆంక్షల వల్ల ఈ చిన్న సంస్థలు భారీగా నష్టపోతాయి. దేశ ప్రయోజనాలకు ఇది ఎంత మాత్రం శ్రేయస్కరం కాదు. భారత ప్రభుత్వ తపాలా విభాగం దేశవ్యాప్తంగా మారుమూల గ్రామాల్లో సైతం గ్రామీణ ప్రా ంతాల్లో పోస్టాఫీసులను నిర్వహిస్తోంది. వీటి ద్వారా వచ్చే ఆదాయం వాటి నిర్వహణా వ్యయం కంటే చాలా తక్కువగా ఉంటోంది. ఇక కొరియర్ కంపెనీలు నగరాల ప్రజలకు మాత్రమే సేవలందిస్తున్నా యి.
గ్రామీణ ప్రజలకు సేవలందిస్తున్న తపాలా విభాగం నిర్వహణా వ్యయం అధికంగా ఉంటోంది కనుక ఆ విభాగానికి నష్టపరిహారాన్ని తప్పక ఇవ్వవల్సిందే. ఇందులో సందేహం లేదు. అయితే, టెలీకాం కంపెనీలపై విధించినట్లుగా కొరియర్ కంపెనీలపై 'సౌలభ్యతా లోటు చార్జీ' (ఎక్సెస్ డెఫిసిట్ చార్జ్)ని విధించడం ద్వారా వచ్చే రాబడితో తపాలా విభాగానికి నష్టపరిహారాన్ని సమకూర్చవచ్చు. మెట్రోపాలిటన్ నగరాలు, రాష్ట్ర రాజధానులు, జిల్లా కేంద్రాలు, చిన్న పట్టణాలు, గ్రామీణ ప్రాంతాలలో సేవలందిస్తున్న సంస్థలుగా కొరియర్ కంపెనీలను వర్గీకరించాలి.
సర్వీస్ ట్యాక్స్ను తగ్గించి, తపా లా విభాగంతో పాటు వీటికి కూడా సబ్సిడీ సదుపాయాన్ని కల్పించా లి. దీని వల్ల కొరియర్ కంపెనీలు చిన్న పట్టణాల, గ్రామీణ ప్రజలకు మరింతగా సేవలు అందించే అవకాశం ఉంది. తద్వారా ఆర్థికాభివృ ద్ధి ఫలితాలు ఆ ప్రాంతాలకూ శీఘ్రగతిన అందడానికి అవి దోహదం చేస్తాయి. చిన్న పట్టణాలలో కొరియర్ సేవలను వినియోగించుకోవ డం ఎంతగా పెరిగితే తపాలా విభాగం నష్టాలు అంతగా తగ్గుతాయి. ఈ నమూనాను మొబైల్ టెలీఫోన్లో విజయవంతంగా అమలుపరిచాము. నగరప్రాంతాలలో అందిస్తున్న సేవలపై ప్రైవేట్ టెలీకాం కంపెనీలు ఎక్సెస్ డెఫిసిట్ చార్జీలను చెల్లిస్తున్నాయి.
గామీణ ప్రాంతాల వారికి అందిస్తోన్న సేవలకుగాను భారత్ సంచార్ నిగమ్ లిమిటెడ్ ప్రభుత్వం నుంచి సబ్సిడీలను పొందుతోంది. గ్రామీణ ప్రాంతాలలో సేవలందించిన పక్షంలో ప్రైవేట్ సంస్థలు కూడా సబ్సిడీని పొందడానికి అర్హమవుతాయి. ఈ సదుపాయాన్ని వినియోగించు కోవడానికి ప్రైవేట్ సంస్థలు బాగా పోటీపడుతున్నాయి. మారుమూలపల్లె ప్రజలకు కూడా ఇప్పుడు అత్యాధునిక టెలీకాం సేవలు అందుబాటులోకి వస్తున్నాయి. మరో వైపు బిఎస్ఎన్ఎల్ మరింత మెరుగైన సేవలనందించడానికి ప్రయత్నిస్తోంది. తపాలా సేవలకు కూడా టెలీకాం నమూనాను వర్తింపచేయాలి.
చాలా దేశాలలో ఉత్తరాల బట్వాడాపై తపాలా విభాగాలకే గుత్తాధిపత్యం ఉందని ఆ ముసాయిదా బిల్లు రూపకర్తలు పేర్కొన్నారు. మనదేశంలో కూడా ఆ ప్రామాణిక విధానాన్నే కొనసాగించాలనేది వారి వాదన. అయితే వారి వాదన పాక్షికంగా మాత్రమే సత్యం. ఇంగ్లండ్లో 350 గ్రాముల కంటే తక్కువ బరువు ఉన్న ఉత్తరాల బట్వాడాపై మాత్రమే తపాలా విభాగానికి పూర్తి ఆధిపత్యం ఉందని సివిల్ సొసైటీ ఎక్స్ఛేంజ్ తన వెబ్సైట్లో స్పష్టం చేసింది. అలాగే ఆస్ట్రేలియాలో 250 గ్రాములకంటే తక్కువ బరువు ఉన్న ఉత్తరాల బట్వాడాకు మాత్రమే తపాలా విభాగం పరిమితమవుతుంది.
నెదర్లాండ్స్, జర్మనీలలో అయితే కేవలం 50 గ్రాముల కంటే తక్కువ బరువు ఉన్న ఉత్తరాలను మాత్రమే ఆయా దేశాల తపాలా విభాగాలు బట్వాడా చేస్తున్నాయి. న్యూజిలాండ్లో ఎంత బరువు ఉన్న ఉత్తరాలనైనా ప్రభుత్వ తపాలా విభాగమే బట్వాడా చేస్తోంది. జపాన్ తన తపాలా సేవలను పూర్తిగా ప్రైవేటీకరించాలని యోచిస్తోంది. అత్యాధునిక సాంకేతికతల ఆవిర్భావంతో తపాలా బట్వాడాకు కాలదోషం పట్టింది. ఉత్తరం రాసి పోస్ట్లో వేయడం కంటే సెల్ఫోన్ ద్వారా మాట్లాడుకోవడమే అన్ని విధాలా సుకరంగా ఉంటోంది. ఈ-మెయిల్తో అనేక ఉత్తరాలు పంపే బాధ తొలగిపోయింది. ఆదాయాన్ని సుస్థిరం చేసుకొని లాభాలను ఆర్జించడానికిగాను తపాలా విభాగం ఆర్థిక ఉత్పత్తుల రంగంలోకి ప్రవేశిస్తోంది.
త్వరలో దేశవ్యాప్తంగా 4000 పోస్టాఫీసుల్లో 'మౌలిక బ్యాంకింగ్ సేవల' (కోర్ బ్యాంకింగ్ సర్వీసెస్-సిబిఎస్)ను అందించనున్నారు. దీని వల్ల ఒక బ్యాంక్ చెక్ను ఏ సిబిఎస్ పోస్టాఫీసులోనైనా నగదుగా మార్చుకునే సదుపాయం లభించనున్నది. ఇది సరైన దిశలో వేసిన ముందడుగు. కొరియర్ వ్యవస్థను దెబ్బతీయడానికి ప్రయత్నించకుండా పోస్టాఫీసుల్లో బ్యాంకింగ్ సేవలనందించే సదుపాయాలను కల్పించడానికి తపాలా విభాగం ప్రాధాన్యమివ్వాలి. ఒక పది సంవత్సరాల అనంతరం తపాలా విభాగానికి గ్రామీణ బ్యాంకింగ్ విభాగంగా పునఃనామకరణం చేయడం అనివార్యమేమో!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Subject: - Secretary (P) s meeting with Postal Joint Council of Action on 27.06.11, 29.06.11, 30.06.11 and 01.07.2011. Item No. 1-dealing with Mail Network optimization Project- Constitution of a Committee.
D.,G.Posts No. 08/-9/2011-SR Dated 12/07/ 2011
Item No. 1 of the Charter of Demands served by Joint Council of Action alongwith the notice of threatened strike w.e.f. 05.07.2011, dealing with Mail Network Optimisation Project, was discussed at length in various meetings taken by Secretary (Posts)/Member (Operation). In the wake of the above discussions, the competent authority has decided to constitute a Committee with the following composition
Official Side | Staff Side |
Member (Operation)- Chairman | Secretary General NFPE -Member |
CPMG Rajasthan Circle-Member | Secretary General FNPO- Member |
2. The Committee will review the mail arrangement made as sequel to creation of Speed Post Hubs which, as represented by Staff Side are causing delay as compared to the position prevailing earlier. The Committee will also review the formation of L-I & L-II in regards to 1st Class mails.
3. The Committee will submit its report within one month of its formation.
Consideration of seniors who have not completed the qualifying service for promotion in cases where the juniors who have completed the requisite service are being considered.
The undersigned is directed to refer to para 3.1.2 of Part III in this Department’s O.M.No.AB-14017/12/87-Estt.(RR) dated 18th March, 1988 wherein it was suggested that a suitable “Note” may be inserted in the recruitment rules to the effect that seniors who have completed the probation period may also be considered for promotion when their juniors who have completed the requisite service are being considered.
It has been brought to the notice of this Department that inspite of the instructions referred to above, the proposed “Note” has not been incorporated in the recruitment rules of a number of posts. This has led to difficulties at the time of making promotion when the seniors had either to be left out or relaxation of recruitment rules had to be resorted to on each occasion. In order to avoid a situation of this kind, it is requested that all the Ministries/Departments may kindly examine their recruitment rules and insert a “Note” as referred to above wherever it is considered necessary.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Fun with our taxes
M.Peer Mohamed Sardhar
1) Qus. : What are you doing?
Ans.: Business.
2) Qus. : What are you doing in Business?
Ans.: Selling the Goods.
3) Qus. : From where are you getting Goods?
Ans.: From other State/Abroad
4) Qus. : What are you getting in Selling Goods?
Ans.: Profit.
5) Qus. : Where you Manufacturing the Goods?
Ans.: Factory.
6) Qus. : Do you have Office / Warehouse/ Factory?
Ans.: Yes
7) Qus. : Do you have Staff?
Ans.: Yes
Qus. : Doing business in Millions?
Ans.: Yes
9) Qus. : Are you taking out over 25,000 Cash from Bank?
Ans.: Yes, for Salary.
10) Qus. : Where are you taking your client for Lunch & Dinner?
Ans.: Hotel
11) Qus. : Are you going Out of Station for Business?
Ans.: Yes
12) Qus. : Have you taken or given any Service/s?
Ans.: Yes
13) Qus. : How come you got such a Big Amount?
Ans.: Gift on birthday.
14) Qus. : Do you have any Wealth?
Ans.: Yes
15) Qus. : To reduce Tension, for entertainment, where are you going?
Ans.: Cinema or Resort.
16) Qus. : Have you purchased House?
Ans.: Yes
17) Qus. : How you Travel?
Ans.: Bus
1 Qus. : Any Additional Tax?
Ans.: Yes
19) Qus. : Delayed any time Paying Any Tax?
Ans.: Yes
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Please refer to this Directorate's letter of even number dated 04.05.2011 vide which the post of Sorting Postman has been re-designated as Postman and both Postman and Sorting Postman have been given a common generic designation Postman.
2. During the meetings of the Staff Federations with the Secretary (Posts), the Federations have raised following issues in connection with the implementation of the ibid order in the fields:
(i) Circles are either abolishing or redeploying the posts of Sorting Postman. Such posts may be restored.
(ii) All the Postman are being put on the job of Beat Sorting at a time.
3. This is wrong interpretation and implementation of the said order of the Directorate. Nowhere in the order is it mentioned that posts of Sorting Postman are either to be abolished or redeployed and all the Postmen are to be put on the Beat Sorting work at a time. In fact, the order is very lucid that post of Sorting Postman is re-designated as Postman. Therefore, such abolished or redeployed posts of Sorting Postman may be restored immediately. The designation of the existing Sorting Postman may not be changed.
4. Further, in the third para of the aforesaid order, it is indicated that concerned Divisional Head or Sr. Postmaster has to work out the exact requirement of Postmen required for Beat Sorting on the basis of the total number un-registered mail received for delivery as per the existing norms. Hence, concerned authorities in the Division to decide the number of Postmen to be put on the Beat Sorting job on the basis of existing norms. Thus, all the postmen are not to be put on the Beat Sorting work at a time. Rather, each one of them should be assigned the said job on turn-by-turn basis while observing the existing norms.
5. Further, the number of postmen deployed for Beat Sorting should be to ensure that Beat Sorting, is completed one hour before the postmen leave for delivery so that necessary documentations and procedural requirement could be completed, which are necessary for carrying out the delivery effectively.
6. It, is therefore, requested to please look into the issue personally and ensure correct and effective implementation of the Directorate's order dated 04.05.2011.
7. It may please be accorded Top Priority.
This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.