Saturday, October 31, 2015
Friday, October 30, 2015
Friday, October 30, 2015
National Federation of Postal Employees
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
Phone: 011.23092771 e-mail:
Mob: 9868819295/9810853981 website:
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No. PF-01(e)/2015 Dated – 31.10.2015
All General Secretaries/NFPE Office Bearers/All Circle, Divisional & Branch Secretaries of NFPE affiliated Unions
Dear Comrades,
NFPE alongwith AIPEUGDS (NFPE) has taken decision to go on 48 hours strike on 1st & 2nd December, 2015 on the four point\s charter of demands.
NFPE had requested Secretary (P) in writing and by meeting personally to resolve the issues which are pending since long. But it is a very sorry state of affairs on the part of Department of Posts that neither any issue is settled nor even a single line in reply is being given.
As you all are aware that NFPE along with PJCA had declared indefinite strike from 6th May-2015 onwards. On most of the items Secretary (P) gave positive assurance in writing in the meetings during negotiations on agenda of strike Charter of demands and the minutes were circulated among all and were published in all union journals. On 5th May Honourable Minister Communication also called meeting with both Secretary Generals NFPE & FNPO and he also gave positive assurances including GDS wage revision by 7th CPC and for Cadre restructuring he told that he has signed the file after approving the proposals and handed over to Secretary Post.
But after a lapse of 6 months period no progress is being noticed in any of the matter.
Earlier National Joint Council of Action of Constituent Organizations of National Council JCM had taken decision to go on indefinite strike from 23rd November -2015 in which our main demand of inclusion of GDS was also included in the Charter of demands
It was expected that Pay Commission will submit its report upto 30th September, 2015. Pay Commission requested to grant 2 months extension to bind up the office but the Government of India was very much generous to grant 4 months extension to Pay Commission. Pay Commission has completed its task but now Government is interfering and Secretary Finance Ministry has directed Pay Commission to give recommendations keeping in view the fiscal condition of the country and it should not give such recommendations which cannot be implemented. NJCA had deferred the decision of strike from 23rd November, 2015. We as NFPE told in the meeting of NJCA that we are going on indefinite strike in Postal. NJCA leadership requested to review and reconsider the decision and change the date as NJCA has given call of a grand Dharna by All India leaders of NJCA at Jantar Manter, New Delhi on 19 November,2015. Some of our Confederation leaders and senior leaders of NFPE also advised to review the decision. Accordingly NFPE Federal Secretariat meeting was held at Hyderabad on 11.10.2015 and reviewed the situation and unanimous decision was taken to organize 48 hours strike on 1st & 2nd December, 2015 on the following 4 points of Charter of demands:
(i) Include GDS in 7th CPC for wage revision and other service related matters.
(ii) Implement cadre Restructuring proposals in all cadres including Postal Accounts & MMS.
(iii) Fill up all vacant posts in all cadres of Department of Posts (i.e. PA, SA, Postmen, Mail Guard, Mail Man, GDS Mail Man, MMS Driver & other staff in MMS, PA CO, PA SBCO, Postal Accounts Staff, Civil & Electrical Wing Staff, as per actual sanctioned strength.
(iv) Stop all types of harassment in the name of implementation of various new services and schemes and Trade Union Victimization.
Gramin Dak Sewaks constitute 50% of Work Force in Department of Post. They run 89% Post Offices in Rural Areas. Since 2nd Pay Commission, every time a Committee headed by bureaucrats has been constituted to look into the wage revision and other service related matters except at the time of Vth Pay Commission when Justice Talwar Committee was formed which gave very favourable recommendations to the GDS but Government did not implement 25% of its recommendations. This time NFPE raised the issue to include GDS in 7th CPC and this was supported by Confederation and National Council JCM. But Government has not given any attention towards this demand. During the negotiation on Strike Charter of demands, Secretary (Post) assured to refer the matter to Government of India again third time with strong recommendations and on 05.05.2015 , Hon`ble Minister Communication had also assured to use his influence to get the GDS included in 7th CPC but nothing has been done so far. It is coming to the notice by some sources that Department of Post is going to form bureaucratic Committee again. We have requested several times that when Pay Commission complete its task than this matter should also be given to him . Now Pay Commission has been allowed to sit idol for 3 months. This period might have been utilized for the wage revision of GDS. But Government of India is not at all concerned about this poor deprived and exploited section of working class. We cannot tolerate this state. So we have to go to agitation to fight this injustice and discrimination.
Cadre Restructuring proposals were finalized by the Committee 2 years before. On 5th May 2015 Minister also approved. JS&FA also cleared the proposals. DOP&T has not raised any objection and suggested to take clearance from Finance Ministry. There is no more financial implications even that Finance Ministry has not cleared the proposal. We have asked Department of Post several times but nothing has been done so far. If it is not implemented before implementation of 7thCPC report. It will be of no use.
Though Recruitment is going on in the Department of Posts here and there. But there is acute shortage of staff in all cadres because recruitment is not being done as per actual sanctioned strength. If recruitment is made as per actual sanctioned strength and shortage is met out then 50% problems will be solved automatically.
Our staff in all cadres is facing so much harassment and victimization. Every day any new service or scheme is being launched without proper infrastructure and sufficient man power. CBS and CSI biggest problem for P-III, 100% delivery for Postmen. Harassment of staff in RMS on OTA, More problems in Circle Office, Postal Accounts and Civil Wing and Electrical Wings are being faced due to staff shortage. If any Trade union leader raises his voice against these onslaughts, he is victimized. Holding of Melas and Meetings on every Sunday and Holiday has become the regular practice against the directions given by Secretary (Post).
So keeping in all these we have to fight against all these onslaughts and wrong policies of department of Posts and Government of India.
Whatever we have achieved that is due to struggle only. We have achieved so many things in past by struggles only. If we fight unitedly we will win sure.
For making the strike 100% successful please follow the following instructions:
1. Campaign programme of All India leaders have been declared and published in websites, all circle secretaries of NFPE affiliated unions are requested to consult each other and make all arrangements for the meetings of All India leaders. If any change is needed, can be made with consultation of all.
2. All India leaders should attend the programmes compulsorily.
3. Maximum publicity should be given to the campaign programme.
4. Strike notice will be served on 06.11.2015 to the Secretary (Posts) by NFPE leaders.It should be served at all levels by organizing mass demonstrations.
5. Joint campaign programme should be conducted by all Circle/Divisional Secretaries in their respective Circles and Divisions and make maximum efforts for grand success of strike by organizing Gate meetings and General Body meetings.
6. Circulars/Pamphlets /Hand bills and Posters should be published and send to all. These should be published in regional language also.
7. Please leave no stone unturned for success of strike.
8. Give Wide Publicity in local Press and Media.
Yours fraternally,
(R. N. Parashar)
Secretary General
Editorial Postal Crusader November-2015
48 HOURS STRIKE ON 1st & 2nd DECEMBER-2015
7th Central Pay Commission has completed its task. The Report is ready and it was to be submitted by 30th September, 2015. Pay Commission requested to grant extension for two months to bind up the office but Government is very generous to grant extension for four months i.e. up to 31st December, 2015. National Joint Council of Action of National Council JCM constituent organizations took decision to defer the Indefinite Strike to be held from 23rd November-2015 as Pay Commission has not submitted its report. NFPE has taken decision earlier to go on indefinite strike from 23rd November-2015. But due to some technical reasons and in the wake of decision of NJCA, NFPE Federal Secretariat meeting held at Hyderabad on 11.10.2015 had reviewed the entire situation and came to the conclusion that 48 hours strike on 1st & 2nd December-2015 will be organized in the Department of Post on 4 Points Charter of demands which include , Inclusion of GDS in 7th CPC , Implement cadre Restructuring proposals in all sections, filling up of all vacant posts in all cadres as per actual sanctioned strength and stopping up of all types of harassments in the name of implementation of various new services and schemes and Trade Union Victimization.
Neither Government of India nor Department of Post appears to be sincere towards the genuine demands of Postal Employees including GDS. Our demand of inclusion of GDS in 7th CPC which was assured by the Secretary (P) and Minister Communication is still unsettled. They are not at all serious to settle the genuine demand of poor GDS employees who are still deprived from all the basic rights and facilities extended to the regular Government employees. We cannot tolerate this state of affairs of exploitation of GDS employees and can go to any extent until and unless the GDS employees are treated as regular Government employees and given all the due rights and facilities extended to regular Government employees.
The Cadre restructuring proposals in all Cadres including Postal Accounts and MMS were finalized about 2 years ago but still these are not implemented. If this could not be implemented before the implementation of report of 7th CPC , it will be of no use.
Postal staff in each cadre is facing lot of hardship due to acute shortage of staff, because the recruitment is not being done on the basis of actual sanctioned strength. If staff shortage is met out more than 50% problems will be solved automatically.
One of the most burning problems is the harassment of staff in all cadres in the name of implementation of various schemes and services and trade union victimization. CBS and CSI has become a very serious problem. Without developing proper infrastructure these schemes are being implemented and staff is facing more difficulties and harassment from administration as well as public. More and more staff is being made victim under contributory negligence factor. If any union representative raises his voice against all these excesses he is victimized.
This state of affairs on the part of administration cannot be tolerated more.
Therefore the Federal Secretariat of NFPE has decided unanimously to go on 48 hours Strike on 1st and 2ndDecember-2015.
NFPE call upon the entirety of Postal, RMS and GDS employees to make all efforts to make the 48 hours strike a historic success and make the department and Government of India to understand that Postal Employees will not leave their genuine demands and will always remain on the path of struggle.
Unitedly we fight we will win. We have won on so many occasions and this time also we will win.
Inquilab Zindabad
Postal Unity Zindabad
NFPE Zindabad.
7th Pay Commission – Curtain Raiser – “The Seventh Pay Commission may consider pay ratio of the pay of the bottom paid employees to the pay of the highest paid officials will come down to 1:9 from 1:12″, sources indicate.
The government constitutes the Pay Commission almost every 10 years to revise the pay scale of its employees and often states also implement the panel’s recommendations after some modifications.
Headed by Justice Ashok Kumar Mathur, the four-member 7th Pay Commission was appointed in February 2014 and the commission will hand over its recommendations to government within December 31, 2015.
Though the Official recommendations are yet to be submitted to the Government, there are many flares going around, some may be true and some may be flaws.
However, at the end of the day, it is the so called ‘sources’ who give some hint. The following is the latest the sources indicate…..
1. The commission may recommend government to ask Information and Technology department, whether it is possible to have systems in place for monitoring and supervising work being done remotely by disabled and women central government employees.
2. “As flexi working hours will allow women central government employees to strike a balance between her professional and family responsibility, maintain healthy lifestyles and contribute to parenting well, it is recommended for the same and urge upon the government to work out the modalities in this direction.”
3. Women employment under central government has been estimated to the tune of 3.37 lakh, which is 10.93 percent of the total regular central government employment, according to census of central government employees as on March 31, 2011.
4. “We are looking at whether it is technologically possible to allow disabled and women employees for working from home,” said the source. “A need was felt to provide work from home facility to persons with disabilities and women to enable them to effectively discharge their duties.,” he added.
5. The Pay Commission is likely to recommend increase 40 percent salaries hike of central government employees on average, the full implementation of which would raise the central government spending on salary and allowance Rs 1,00,619 crore.
6. The commission may recommend Rs 20,000 as salary for those in the bottom grade and maximum Rs 180,000 for Secretary level officers. The sources in the panel said pay parity ratio of mid-level tier officers will be maintained with the bottom grade.
7. Earlier, all pay commissions had not only recommended for good salary to top central government officials but also considered the disparity ratio between its highest and lowest paid employees.
8. For instance, in 1948, the post-tax salary of the highest paid government official was Rs 2,263 which was 41 times higher than the Rs 55 paid to the lowest earning employee. With subsequent pay commissions the ratio was reduced to about 1:12 in 2006.
9. “The Seventh Pay Commission may consider pay ratio of the pay of the bottom paid employees to the pay of the highest paid officials will come down to 1:9 from 1:12″, sources indicate.
10. The first pay commission was recommended Rs 55 salary to the lowest earning employee, second Rs 80, third Rs 185, fourth Rs 750, fifth Rs 2550 and sixth Rs 6660.
11. “However, the Seventh Pay Commission is likely to recommend Rs 20,000 salary for lowest paid employees and Rs.1,80,000 for highest paid officials, “.
12. Grade Pay was derived from USA and it has increased in prominence in the early 21st century in USA. Federal employees in USA at all levels are paid based on Grade Pays. The six pay commission followed them. A grade pay is a structured pay format where employees are placed at a given pay level based on their level of education and work experience related to the position.
13. “Central government has 15 grade pays now from Rs 1,800 to Rs 12,000 for job level pay variance of its employees. Generally, multi tasking staff (MTS) and clerical jobs that require formal education, just a high school or higher secondary, who are at are at the lower levels from grade pays 1,800 to 2,000.
14. Every employee does not get promotion in time. So, if Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) Scheme is not maintained it will be seriously affected,” the sources said.
15. Accordingly, the sources said the Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) Scheme is likely to be kept the current status quo.
16. Sources say, rather than hiking pay and allowances, the panel is focused on making employees more efficient, modern and valuable. ‘The commission was created to hike salaries and allowances for central government employees but the commission now is actually focused on “efficiency, technology, skills and Pay link with productivity.’
16. The central government employees federation strongly believe that the 7th pay commission cannot recommend revising the retirement age of central government employees, since it does not fall under the purview of 7th Pay Commission. It is the central Government which makes such decisions. Yes true, but it is under purview, sources indicate.
17. The Finance ministry has already opened its stand saying, the Seventh Pay Commission will be mindful of the fiscal concerns of the government while giving its report on new pay scales and remunerations for central government employees and pensioners. Sources indicate, hence the Finance ministry has a role to play in the final report of the 7th Pay Commission.
18. The pay panel will ask the central government to urge the insurance industry to come up with feasible health insurance solution for the central government employees and pensioners. The IRDA, the insurance regulatory body of India, will be compelled to ask the health insurance companies to offer a basic insurance to every central government employee and pensioner.
19. Health insurance would be available for central government employees and pensioners till death, the insured employees and pensioners will have to pay 50% of the premium from their salaries and pensions and the remaining 50% premium may be paid by the central government.
20. The CGHS is financed mainly through the Centre’s tax revenues. Though beneficiaries do contribute a share of their wages towards premium, ranging from Rs 600 to Rs 6,000 a year depending on their pay scale, this accounts for just about 5 per cent of the total expenditure. The government shells out the remaining 95 per cent. Now the Government is looking for ways to end the CGHS in its current form and to move to an insurance based health scheme to cut costs.
2015 NOVEMBER 2nd TO 6th
2015 NOVEMBER 6th
2015 NOVEMBER 19th
Dear Comrades,
The National Secretariat Meeting of the Confederation held at Hyderabad on 09th October 2015 while endorsing the decision of the National Joint Council of Action (Railway, Defence & Confederation) to organize massive protest dharna at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi on 19th November 2015 and also Nationwide Protest Demonstration in front of all works spot & offices, has decided to further intensify the protest action against the negative attitude of the NDA Government by organizing the following programmes: -
(1) 2015 November 2nd to 6th - Campaign Week.
(2) 2015 November 6th – Nationwide Mass Dharna at all Important centres.
The Campaign and Protest Dharna will be organized mainly on the following three issues: -
(1) Non Settlement of any of the legitimate demands raised by the JCM Staff Side, National Council by the NDA Government.
(2) Causing engineered delay by the Government in the submission of 7th CPC report by granting four months extension upto 31st December 2015, even when the Pay Commission was ready to submit its report within the stipulated time i.e. 28th August 2015.
(3) Unwarranted intervention of the Finance Ministry in the independent functioning of the Pay Commission by issuing a statement asking the 7th CPC to factor into its report the fiscal concern of the government and thereby to pressurize the commission not to recommend wage rise on the basis of a sound and scientific formulation.
All affiliated organizations and C-O-Cs are requested to implement the above campaign and protest programme throughout the country in a most befitting manner.
Yours fraternally,
(M. Krishnan)
Everyone knows that Central Government Employees are entitled to avail Leave Travel Concession (LTC) once in two years to visit home town and once in four years to visit any places in India. The employees are reimbursed full expenses for transport from the work station to the place to be visited and back.
Before the sixth CPC was implemented, availing of LTC by the employees was less in number all over India. In order to encourage employees to avail LTC, the Central Government made some impressive modifications in the rules, which saw a huge increase in the percentage of employees going for it. The employees were allowed to travel by air to Jammu & Kashmir and North Eastern States and it continued till June 2015. The modification in the rules that was brought in was the travelling expenses were given in packages depending upon employee’s designation. These visits by the employees saw a huge growth in tourism in these states. It turned out to be a great opportunity for the employees to travel to these places, to know different people, their culture and so on. But for unknown reason, the central government did not extend the orders beyond June 2015.
Home Town LTC:
Is it possible to make changes in the Permanent Address of a Central Government Employee?
Those Central Government Employees having their Hometown on the outskirts of their work places, are automatically ineligible for availing LTC Hometown. But they are eligible for the LTC for visiting any other places in India. For the benefit of those employees, in exceptional cases, the CCS Rules (LTC) – Change of Hometown – allows an employee to change the Permanent Address only once in their whole service. The employee can apply for this, through their respective head of sections with detailed documents. A male employee can choose the native place of his wife or vice versa or any other closed relation’s address. Care should be taken while applying for the changes, as the rule allows only once in their whole service. After the changes in the permanent address, the employee can apply for the LTC showing the new address.
Expecting new changes in 7th CPC for availing LTC
Central Government Employees should be allowed to avail LTC Home Town once in a year and All India LTC once in three years which can bring huge changes in the department of tourism in India. It can motivate the employees to travel, visit different places, to know different people and their working conditions etc. Air travelling should be allowed to all other places in India and can be extended to other neighbouring countries also.
Let us wait and see for the recommendations…!
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