Whether Dies non, EXOL without MC etc will cause postponement of increment which was available earlier?
2. Whether the current pay bands remove the stagnation? Or is there any provision of stagnation increments etc?
3. Suppose, an official availed EOL (Without MC) for more than six months and he is not having six months qualifying service as on 1st July what will be the fate of his increment?
4. An official is ordered to officiate in higher Post first for 10 days and subsequently extended for another 10 days. Whether he is entitled for higher officiating pay?
5. What is the maximum amount of salary that can be attached?
(ii) In case of other decrees: (Gross emoluments – allowances exempted – Rs.1000/-) X 1/3
(Rules 74 of CGA (R & P) Rules 1983)
Bankers' cheques and other monetary instruments will have only a three-month validity beginning April 1, 2012, instead of the existing six months, a Reserve Bank of India (RBI) communique has said.
The change is a consequence of an RBI notification on November 4, 2011.
Cheques, drafts and pay orders will have a validity for three months from the date they've been drawn. Those having cheques and other monetary instruments with six-month validity before April 1 will have to remit them before this date, when the expiry of the validity will be reduced to three months.
After April 1, these instruments will be valid subject to their adherence to the new 3-month rule.
(PO Guide Part I)
25. Authority to whom complaint should be addressed
a) Local Supdt.and PM in case first class PO. b) HOC
c) DG Posts d) PMG Ans: a
26. Circle complaint officer is
a) Vigilance officer b) CPMG
c) PMg d) Head of division Ans: a
(Vigilance officer has attachéd to the HQ of each circle)
27. Period within complaints should be prepared in case of VP, loss /damage of regd& ins article, other complaint related to inland post, miscarriage /destruction of postal order & SP is
a) 12 month, 3 month, 6 month, 12 month, 1 month
b) 24 month, 6 month, 9 month, 1 month, 2 month
c) 36 month, 1 month, 6 month, 9 month, 2 month
d) 6 month, 3 month3 month, 9 month, 1 month Ans: a
28. legal responsibility of post office is exempted from
a) Any fault by induvidual
b) Loss, mis delivery or delay of , or damage to, any postal article in course of transmission by post
c) wrong payment or delay in payment by foreign postal administration of money order issued in India.
d) All the above Ans : d
29. Article addressed to deceased person
a) Delivery such articles to any near relative of the deceased who may have applied for them in case uninsured article.
b) Delivery such articles to any near relative of the deceased who may have applied for them in case do not appear to contain any valuable property
c) Delivery such articles to any near relative of the deceased who may have applied for them in case no counter –claimant or likelihood of dispute.
d) All the above Ans; d
30. Size limit of letter and roll is
a) Min11X7cm & max 60X90cm, min 10X17cm & max 88X100cm
b) Min10X7cm & max 50X100cm, min 15X25cm &max 80X100cm
c) Min11X22cm & max 60X40cm, min 20X17cm &max 90X100cm
d) None of these Ans : a
31. Size limit of Inland letter card folded and unfolded is
a) Min15.2X9cm & max 21X10cm, min 28.2X18.2cm max 30X21cm
b) Min10X7cm & max 50X100cm, min 15X25cm &max 80X100cm
c) Min11X22cm & max 60X40cm, min 20X17cm &max 90X100cm
d) None of these Ans : a
32. Post card of private manufacture size limit is
a) Min10X7cm & max 50X100cm, min 15X25cm &max 80X100cm
b) Max 15 cm x 10.5 Cm min 10X7 cm
c) Min11X22cm & max 60X40cm, min 20X17cm &max 90X100cm
d) None of these Ans: b
33. Recorded delivery fee and intimation fee is
a) 3, 4 b) 5,6
c) 2,1 d) None of these Ans: c
34. Complaint can be made in case of recorded delivery is within
a) One month b) Six month
b) Two month d) Cannot be made Ans: b
35. Fee for availing business reply service
a) Apr to Jun -100, Jul to Sep-75, Oct to Dec-50, Jan to Mar -25
b) Apr to Jun -200, Jul to Sep-150, Oct to Dec-100, Jan to Mar -50
c) Apr to Jun -250, Jul to Sep-150, Oct to Dec-75, Jan to Mar -50
d) Free of cost Ans: b
36. Book packet may contain
a) News papers, publications of all kinds,
b) Printed books, paper, parchment
c) Cardboard either blank or printed
d) All the above Ans: d
37. Size limit of book packet roll and other than roll is
a) Min 10X17 cm & max 80X100, 10X7 cm & 60X30X30 cm
b) Max 15 cm x 10.5 Cm min 10X7 cm
c) Min11X22cm & max 60X40cm, min 20X17cm &max 90X100cm
d) None of these Ans: a
38. The weight limit of book packet is
a) 4 Kg b) 2 Kg
c) 20 kg d) 5 kg Ans; d
39. The weight limit of book packet containing periodicals is
a) 4 Kg b) 2 Kg
c) 20 kg d) 5 kg Ans; d
39. The weight limit of book pattern and sample packets is
a) 4 Kg b) 2 Kg
c) 20 kg d) 5 kg Ans; b
40. The weight limit blind literature packet is
a) 4 Kg b) 2 Kg
c) 20 kg d) 7 kg Ans; d
41. The following charge are exempted to blind literature packet
a) Registration b) Fee for ackn
c) Fee for the attested copy of receipt d) All the above Ans :d
for more questions visit abkantharaja.blogspot.in
42. License for Registered newspaper is issued by
a) DG Posts b) Head of the circle
c) SSP/SP d) PMG Ans: c
43. Security fee for availing registered newspaper facility is daily newspaper- 1 month cost, weekly- 10 week cost, fortnightly- 21/2 moth cost, monthly- 2 month cost.
a) Above statement is true b) Above statement is false Ans: a
44. Late fee for renewal of regd news paper is
. a) 5/- b) 6/-
c) 3/- d) Free of cost Ans :a
45. Renewal charge of reg news paper is
a) 5/- b) 6/-
c) 3/- d) Free of cost Ans :d
46. Parcel can be sent by UR up to
a) 4 Kg b) 2 Kg
c) 20 kg d) 5 kg Ans :a
47. Parcel can be booked at BO is
a) 4 Kg b) 2 Kg
c) 20 kg d) 10 kg Ans:d
48 Parcel can be booked at SO is
. a) 4 Kg b) 2 Kg
c) 20 kg d) 10 kg Ans:c
49. Max size limit of parcel is
a) Length 1 mtr and length and girth is 1.80mtr
a) Length 2 mtr and length and girth is 1.900mtr
a) Length 3 mtr and length and girth is 1.20mtr
a) None of these Ans:a
50. No compensation will be payable in case
a) For loss or damage caused by the fault or negligence of the sender
b) Article is prohibited by transmission by post
c) For damage in case in which the contents of the registered article are liquid or perishable articles or articles of and exceptionally fragile nature.
d) All the above Ans d
(Prepared by AB Kantharaja Mobile 089698223440 http://abkantharaja.blogspot.in )
Directorate of Postal Insurance
Department of Posts, Ministry of Communications
Information Technology, Government of India
Chanakyapuri Post Office Complex, New Delhi-110 021
No. 30-1/2010-LI Dated 27.01.2012
1. Col. Kamlesh Chandra,
Chief Postmaster General,
Uttar Pradesh Circle,
2. All CPMGs.
Respected Sir,
Kindly refer to letter no. 08/15/2011-SR dated 16.01.2012 from SR Section Department of Posts enclosing minutes of the meeting taken by Secretary(Posts)/Postal Staff Board with the Postal Joint Council of Action on 10.01.2012 and 12.01.2012.
It is requested to kindly take necessary action with regards to Para 7 of the minutes.
(R. Santhakumar)
Dy. Divisional Manager
The staff side was explained in detail about the competition being faced by the Department in the field of PLI/RPLI and the benefits to be derived by decentralizing the functions. The staff side expressed apprehension about relocation of staff due to the process of decentralization. Member (PLI) explained as to how the role of DPLI was going to be redefined by making the job more productive and the fact that job description for each category of staff had been worked out and the staff of PLI will play an important role in increasing the business and providing after sale service. The request of the staff side to permit the Circle/Regional Office branch of PLI to accept, process and service the policies relating to their Headquarter cities where they were located was accepted to.
The issue relating to payment of incentive, instead of honorarium, will be examined by CGM PLI as it forms a part of Charter of Demands. It was assured that all the officials deputed for PLI/RPLI work to RO/CO from Divisions will be repatriated immediately.
Our Long pending demand taken up in National council JCM - Date of next increment issue settled by the Central Government
Date of next increment in the revised pay structure under Rule 10 of the CCS(RP) Rules, 2008.
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
New Delhi, the 19th March, 2012
Subject:— Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 — Date of next increment in the revised pay structure under Rule 10 of the CCS(RP) Rules, 2008.
1.In accordance with the provisions contained in Rule 10 of the CCS (RP) Rules, 2008, there will be a uniform date of annual increment, viz. 1st July of every year. Employees completing 6 months and above in the revised pay structure as on 1st of July will be eligible to be granted the increment. The first increment after fixation of pay on 1.1.2006 in the revised pay structure will be granted on 1.7.2006 for those employees for whom the date of next increment was between 1st July, 2006 to 1st January, 2007.
2. The Staff Side has represented on this issue and has requested that those employees who were due to get their annual increment between February to June during 2006 may be granted one increment on 01.01.2006 in the pre-revised scale.
3. On further consideration and in exercise of the powers available under CCS(RP) Rules, 2008, the President is pleased to decide that in relaxation of stipulation under Rule 10 of these Rules, those central government employees who were due to get their annual increment between February to June during 2006 may be granted one increment on 1.1 .2006 in the pre-revised pay scale as a one time measure and there after will get the next increment in the revised pay structure on 1.7.2006 as per Rule 10 of CCS(RP) Rules, 2008. The pay of the eligible employees may be re-fixed accordingly.
4. In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Account Department are concerned, these orders are issued in consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of India.
(Renu Jani)
State Bank of India to recruit 9600 clerks and stenographers...
Clerical Recruitment [Assistants and Stenographers] in State Bank of India. SBI is going to recruit more than nine thousand vacancies as the post of clerks and stenographers across the country. The minimum payment for these posts in metro such as Mumbai would be around Rs.15,000 per month.
• This advertisement is in modification of our earlier advertisement CRPD/CR/2011-12/05 dated 27.12.2011
• The vacancy position stands revised.
• Revised Vacancies: Assistants - 8500 ( Inclusive of 3100 vacancies already advertised vide our advertisement dated 27.12.2011).
Surplus Qualified LGO Candidates - Allotment of Divisions
Circle Office, Hyderabad has issued allotments to the following surplus qualified candidates of LGO Examination held on 16-10-2011 vide Memo.No.RE/2-2/2011 dated 15-03-2012.
Conf/No: 3/2012 Dated: 12th March, 2012
Dear Comrade,
National Executive Committee meeting of the Confederation on 28th April, 2012 at Kolkata:
The last National Council meeting of the Confederation which was held at Kochi, Kerala had authorised the National Sectt. to finalise the dates for the March to Parliament programme and strike action in pursuance of the 14 point charter of demands. The National Sectt, however, noted that the last National Council meeting unfortunately did not have the presence of many comrades, ofcourse for compelling reasons, and the decision to embark upon strike action ought to have been with the consent and approval of the affiliates. It was, therefore, opined that we should convene a National Executive Committee meeting which is composed of the National Sectt. members, Secretaries of all the State Committees and the Chief Executives of all affiliates with more than 3000 members. It was also decided by the National Sectt. that the Secretary General must ensure the presence of all Executive Committee members in the said meeting, so that the historic decision will have the seal of approval of all concerned.
Taking into account the fact that most of the affiliated Associations/Federations have their CHQ either at Delhi or at Kolkata we have decided to hold the meeting at Kolkata on 28th April, 2012. The West Bengal State Committee has agreed to host the meeting of the Executive Committee. They will through another communication intimate you of the exact venue of the meeting. We request the major affiliates like, NFPE, ITEF, Audit and Accounts, Ground Water Board, GSI, Survey of India, Printing and Stationery etc. to make their own arrangements for stay etc. The Secretaries of the State Committees may please intimate Com. Pijush Roy, Secretary W.B State Committee the time of their arrival and departure and whether they require accommodation to be booked by him or not, under intimation to the undersigned. As indicated earlier, the following comrades are entitled to attend the National Executive Committee meeting.
(a) All National Sectt. members.
(b) All Secretaries of the State Committees.
(c) The Chief Executive of each affiliate with more than 3000 members.
Kindly ensure that you attend this important meeting without fail. In case of any unavoidable difficulty, please see to it that your representative (in the case of State Committees and affiliates) so chosen from among the Office bearers or committee members attend the meeting. For the sake of your own convenience and certainly that of the host unit, kindly intimate your journey plan to Com.Pijush Roy. The expected time and date of arrival of the Train, Aircraft or other modes of transportation may be intimated to him. This will facilitate them to pick you up without delay on your arrival at Kolkata. It would be helpful if you will try to reach Kolkata on 27th evening or night so that the meeting can commence at 11.00 AM on 28th
The meeting will discuss the following agenda:
(i) Consideration of the proposal of the Secretary General as to the date for the March to Parliament Programme and the one day strike action.
(ii) Discussion and finalisation of the campaign programme
(iii) Review of the participation of CGEs in the28th Feb. Strike action.
(iv) Consideration of the problems faced by the State Committees, if any, in co-ordinating.
(v) Any other matter with the permission of the Chair.
Extent of participation in the28th Feb. 2012 General Strike.
We send herewith copy of the Press Statement issued on 28th Feb., on the basis of the reports collected by the CHQ over phone. Despite that the strike call was jointly given by all the Central Trade Unions and endorsed by almost all independent federations, we have noticed that it had not been cent per cent in many State as also in the case of many affiliates. It is, therefore, necessary that we undertake a proper review to know the reasons for the non-participation of some of our members. Kindly send us a report, indicating the following information.
A. In the case of affiliates:
(a) Name (b) States in which the strike could not be organised (c) Wherever the strike took place the extent of participation (state-wise) (d) probable causes for the failure of strike or non-participation by all members.
B. In the case of State Committees.
(a) Name. (b) Names of the organisation in the State which did not organise the strike, (c) The extent of participation in respect of each affiliate and the State as a whole (Give the probable number of CGEs in the State and the Number participated in the strike (d) the Steps taken by the State Committee to ensure participation of members in the strike action (e) probable reasons for the non participation of some members in the strike action..
The report with the above mentioned points are requested for a proper evaluation and to remove deficiencies before we embark upon our own independent strike action in pursuance of the charter of demands. The report may kindly be sent to the Confdn. CHQ by post and if possible by email at the following ID: before 10th August, 2012 so that the Sectt. would be able to compile the same and present before the meeting
Once again requesting you to ensure that you or your representative attend the meeting without fail on 28th
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General.
Copy to Com. Pijush Roy, Secretary West Bengal State Committee to kindly send in the communication to all members of the National Executive indicating the address of the venue and other details.