Thursday, February 26, 2015



The Central Government is reluctant to settle the justified and genuine demands of Central Government employees i.e. 100% D.A. merger, 25% Interim Relief, Inclusion of GDS in 7th CPC , Date of Effect 1.1.2014 , Scrapping of New Pension Scheme , filing up of vacant  posts, in all Department’s , withdrawal of contractrization  and out sourcing  policy, removal of 5% ceiling on compassionate  appointments, Removal of MACP related  anomalies , Revision of OTA Rates  including some other demands.

Joint Consultative Machinery which was formed for the redressal of grievances of Central Government Employees by negotiations has been made defunct and no meeting has been held after 2010. After constitution of 7th CPC the views of Staff Side N.C. JCM has not been taken into account. The Terms of Reference of 7th CPC were declared unilaterally and agreed draft of Terms of Reference submitted by Staff Side was not given cognizance. The Minister in P.M.O. Shri Jitendra Singh replied in response to the question raised by some MPs that Government is not going to grant 100% or 50%  D.A. Merger , 25%  Interim Relief and inclusion of GDS in 7th CPC.

In the back ground of all these developments a National Convention of all constituents of National Council JCM was convened in New Delhi on 11th December-2014. All the participants’ organizations vehemently opposed the policies of Central Government.

After detailed deliberations it was decided that a massive Parliament March will be organized in New Delhi on 28th April-2015 in which the date of Indefinite Strike will be declared. Intensive preparation campaign is going on. NJCA was formed at National level in which the top leaders of AIRF, NFIR, AIDEF, NDWF, Confederation, NFPE and FNPO are included. State JCAs have been formed in most of the circles and State conventions have also been held and wherever it has not been formed the state leadership has been asked to complete this work very soon.

It has been decided to mobilize 100000 one lakh Central Government Employees to participate in Parliament March. Quota has been fixed as 50000 for Railways, 30000 for Defence and 30000 for Confederation. Confederation has allotted quota to NFPE as 10000. Accordingly NFPE has also allotted quota to each affiliated union. Comrades, as we know that whatever we have achieved that is because of struggles only. The present government is functioning to give maximum benefit to the corporates and capitalists. It is not at all concerned about the working class. It started disinvestment in PSUs, Declared 100% FDI in Railway and 49 % FDI in Defence. The recommendations of Task Force Committee headed by TSR Subramaniam .are big danger for Deptt of Post which has paved the way of privatization through Corporatization.  

Confederation of C.G.E&W and NFPE have given separate programmes of agitation which should be observed with great enthusiasm.

NFPE calls upon the entire Postal, RMS  and GDS employees to make all the programmes a grand success and mobilize the maximum number employees, more than the quota allotted to each affiliated union to take part in  the Parliament March  on 28th April-2015 on call of National Council JCM to make it a historic success.

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